Behavioral Neuroscience Doctorate Degree Program

Academic Unit Presenting the ProgramBehavioral Neuroscience
Program Director
Program TypeDoctorate Degree Program
Level of Degree Earned
Degree Earned
Education TypeTam Zamanlı
Registration Acceptance Conditions
Recognition of Prior Learning
Degree Requirements and Rules The students studying in this Ph.D program are required:
to take a minimum of 7 courses with a minimum of 21 local credits
to pass the qualifying examination,
to prepare and defend a doctoral dissertation
to succeed in all the courses with a letter grade of at least CB/S
to have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.50/4.00 with a minimum of 240 ECTS credits.
Program Profile
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Access To Upper Degree
Exams, Assessment and Grading
Graduation Requirements
Teaching Methods

Program Outcomes

1-Ability to learn the effects of environmental factors on our behaviors
2-Ability to relate biological processes and behavior
3-Learning the factors that play a role in the apperance and control of behaviors
4-Ability to learn the interaction of endocrine system and nervous of hormone systems on behavior and cognition
5-Ability to learn principles of genetics and the possible effects of genes on our behavior
6-Ability to learn the chemical mediated disease effect and the psychopharmacology of medicines that were used in treatment
7-Ability to understand behavior patterns of animals and the factors affecting them
8-Ability to acquire theoretical knowledge about cognitive and behavioral therapies and practice
9-Ability to learn neuroanatomical structure and functions of limbic system and the effects of the limbic system on our behaviors
10-Ability to understanding and learning the basic concepts of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
11-Ability to learn autism etiology and the types of terapy applied in autism
12-Ability to acquire knowledge about learning, learnin psychology and effective neurobiological factors on learning
13-Ability to learn general, biochemical and anatomical features of psychiatric disorders
14-Abilitiy to obtain up-to-date information that can be developed as a result of damage to the central nervous system
15-Imaging of central and peripheral nervous system anomalies and pathologies
16-Ability to learn general, biochemical and clinical features of nevre tissue
17-Ability to acquire theoretical knowledge about electrophysiology techniques used in nervous system research and practice
18-Ability to learn the pathophysiology of nerve system damage
19-The ability to learn the concept of intelligence and the effects on our behavior


Yüksek Lisansda açılan dersler Doktora için de seçilebilir.

Behavioral Neuroscience


2023-2024 Fall Semester
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
DNBDR220 Improvement After Neuronal Damage II 2 2 5
LÜ SBE 06 Preparation for Doctoral Qualification Examination 0 4 20
LÜ SBEDR 03 Special Topics 8 0 10
Elective 2023-2024 Güz Davranış Nörobilimi Doktora Üniversite Genel Seçmeli Dersleri() 25
DNBDR207 Intelligence and Behavior 2 2 5
Total ECTS: 60

2023-2024 Spring Term
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
Elective 2023-2024 Bahar Davranış Nörobilimi Doktora Üniversite Genel Seçmeli Dersleri() 25
DNBDR207 Intelligence and Behavior 2 2 5
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses TOTAL 5 ECTS from Elective(Over All University and From Other Department) 5
KNFDR216 Advanced Electrophysiological Technics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Klinik Nörofizyoloji (DK)) 2 2 5
GEN 601 Advanced Human Genetics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
ENG GEN 601 Advanced Human Genetics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
STDJ 021 Breeding Selection and Progeny Test(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 2 0 5
TBIDK625 Gene Therapy(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Tü.Bi.İm.) 3 0 5
BES 641 Leadership in Physical Education and Sport(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Bed.Eği.Sp.) 3 0 8
CERHD107 Patient Safety in Surgery(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Cer.Has.Hem) 4 0 5
Total ECTS: 30
Total ECTS(Year): 90
Doctoral Qualification

2023-2024 Spring Term
Course Code Course Name Browse T A ECTS
LÜ SBEDR 03 Special Topics 8 0 10
Elective(Over All University) You Can Take Courses TOTAL 20 ECTS from Elective(Over All University and From Other Department) 20
KNFDR216 Advanced Electrophysiological Technics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Klinik Nörofizyoloji (DK)) 2 2 5
GEN 601 Advanced Human Genetics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
ENG GEN 601 Advanced Human Genetics(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 3 0 5
STDJ 021 Breeding Selection and Progeny Test(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-) 2 0 5
TBIDK625 Gene Therapy(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Tü.Bi.İm.) 3 0 5
BES 641 Leadership in Physical Education and Sport(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Bed.Eği.Sp.) 3 0 8
CERHD107 Patient Safety in Surgery(Sağlık Bil. Enst.-Cer.Has.Hem) 4 0 5
Total ECTS: 30
Total ECTS(Year): 30

Matrix of Course - Program Outcomes

DNBDR220 Improvement After Neuronal Damage II
LÜ SBE 06 Preparation for Doctoral Qualification Examination
DNBDR207 Intelligence and Behavior
DNBDR207 Intelligence and Behavior